2024 Annual Meeting

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy will take place virtually from May 22 to 24. Below you can find links to the conference program and the registration page. Zoom links for the conference will only be shared with people who have registered.

Click here for the conference program. Please note that all presentation times are in EDT.

Click here for conference registration. There is no registration fee for the conference, but there is a link for an optional donation.

Conference presenters are required to be current members of IAEP. Those who are attending (but not presenting) are encouraged to become members. You can become a member or check your membership status at https://www.pdcnet.org/iaep

Questions about the conference may be directed to Jared Opoien at iaepsecretary@gmail.com

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2024 Call for Paper

Dear Colleagues,

The CFP for IAEP’s 2024 annual meeting is now available online at https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/iaep-cfp-2024-1.pdf

This year’s meeting will be online. The submission deadline is March 1, 2024, and the conference will take place May 22 – 24, 2024. Please see the CFP for further details. We hope you’ll consider sharing your work!

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2023 Program

Dear colleagues,

The program for the upcoming IAEP annual meeting can be found online at this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I8VV6_o9CvPCYshlN9LdZwx494o_xaqZRHOf79z9G78/

This year’s meeting will take place October 14 – 16, 2023 in Toronto, ON, Canada. Further conference information, including registration, will be available soon.

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2023 CFP Reminder

Dear friends,

A reminder that the initial call for proposals for IAEP 2023 closes next week, on March 15th. See the detailed CFP at the link below. I hope you’ll consider sharing your work with our community this year!


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2023 Call for Papers

Dear colleagues,

Please find the Call for Proposals for IAEP 2023 available at this link: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/iaepcfp2023.pdf

IAEP will meet, immediately following SPEP, in Toronto from October 14 through 16.

The deadline for proposals is March 15.

We look forward to engaging with your work this year and encourage your proposals.  Please feel free to share this call widely.

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JFP: Assistant Prof, Baruch College

Dear colleagues, the Department of Philosophy at Baruch College, CUNY, is looking for an Assistant Professor with AOS in Environmental Philosophy and Climate Justice. The deadline for full consideration is November 15. Please see further information at this link: https://philjobs.org/job/show/21770

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CFP: Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy

Dear members,

Our colleagues in the Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy/ Société Canadienne de  Philosophie Environnementale have put out a call for abstracts/papers for their 2022 annual meeting. You can find full a copy of the full CFP here: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/csepscpe-cfp-2022.pdf

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In Memoriam: Robert Mugerauer

Dear Colleagues,

We have a bit of sad news to share with all of you. Bob Mugerauer, who was an important presence at IAEP for many years, died last month. IAEP would not be what it is today without Bob’s hard work and commitment over the years. Bob was one of the earliest members of IAEP and served as our first secretary. He first presented at IAEP in 1999 and did so consistently for the next twenty years. In 2020 he was elected to IAEP’s Board of Directors. Bob was always a joyful presence at IAEP–he will be sorely missed. For further information on Bob, please see this page put together by his department at the University of Washington: https://be.uw.edu/in-memoriam-bob-mugerauer/.
Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology, with whom Bob was also deeply connected, has just published a special edition in his memory (and that of architect Christopher Alexander), which includes memorial essays by David Seamon and Ingrid Stefanovic. You can find that issue here: https://www.academia.edu/81050875/ENVIRONMENTAL_and_ARCHITECTURAL_PHENOMENOLOGY_summer_fall_2022_special_memorial_issue_for_Christopher_Alexander_and_Robert_Mugerauer_.

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2022 Workshops

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, we originally planned to have a face-to-face conference in Edmonton, Canada. We received significantly fewer than usual submissions for the conference, so the Executive Committee has decided to hold two half-day virtual workshops in June. We are excited about the sessions we have put together and hope you will make every effort to join us. You can find further information here: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/2022-workshops/

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CFP: Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies

Dear Colleagues,

The International Conference for the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDIT) has a call for submissions due May 22. There are three tracks in particular that may be of interest for our group at the intersection between #philosophy of #technology and #environmental philosophy.

The Conference is October 6-7, 2022 Netherlands.

Track 7: The conceptual disruption of #nature by (SDTs)

Track 8: The technical #mimesis of nature

Track 9: The role of SDTs in #Climatechange and Climate recovery

You can find further information at this link:

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CFP: World Phenomenology Institute, “Eco-Imagination”

Dear Colleages,

The World Phenomenology Institute (https://phenomenology.org/) has put out a CFP for the 66th International Congress of Phenomenology, with the topic of “The Eco-Imagination for a Sustainable Future.” Abstracts are due July 10, 2022, and the conference will be held in a blended mode. You can find the full CFP here: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/e892c-milan-2022-cfp-001.pdf

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2022 CFP Extended Deadline

Dear IAEP friends,

We have extended the deadline for our call for proposals to April 15th. I hope you’ll consider sharing your work with our community. https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/iaep-2022-cfp_2.pdf

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2022 Call for Papers

Dear colleagues,

The Call for Papers for our 2022 Annual Meeting is now available online. IAEP will meet in Alberta CA this year, and we hope you’ll propose work to share with us.  See details here: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/iaep2022cfp.pdf

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2021 Annual Meeting Information

Dear colleagues,

The International Association for Environmental Philosophy’s 2021 annual meeting will be taking place virtually next Friday and Saturday, October 15-16. This year’s conference program can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19qojStnvYz2hFVwNCfOQiVNBiVubrwj-NMcBbgkEEt8/edit

There is no registration fee this year, but all attendees are required to register in advance, which can be done here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yKHKt_xZR_yv_YkfMQ7ZtbTEFBy3SzuOEy_-9825MHE/edit
Registration will get you advance access to the papers for the conference as well.

Last of all, please remember that all presenters must be current members of IAEP, in addition to registering for the conference. You can join, check, or renew your membership here: https://www.pdcnet.org/iaep

We have an excellent selection of work this year and are looking forward to seeing everyone at the conference.

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2021 CFP Extended

Dear colleagues,

We are extending our call for papers for the International Association for Environmental Philosophy to June 1. We hope you’ll consider sharing your work!  Please find our extended call for the 2021 meeting of IAEP at this link: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/iaep-cfp-spep2021extended.pdf

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2021 Annual Meeting CFP

Dear colleagues,

The call-for-papers for our 2021 annual meeting is now available at: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/iaep-cfp-spep2021final.pdf

This year’s meeting will follow the online format of last year. Deadline for submission is May 15, 2021. Please click the link above for further information.

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2020 Annual Meeting Registration

Dear Members and Friends of IAEP,
We are excited to open registration for the IAEP Annual Conference which will be virtual this year. The conference will take place online on Friday 9 October and Saturday 10 October. Although we are not charging a fee for this year’s conference, we are requiring that presenters and attendees register in advance. Only those who have preregistered will be granted access to the conference. Please go here to register: https://forms.gle/4HoNgG4VmzbYRMD6A

All of those presenting at the conference must be members of IAEP. If you are on the program and are not yet a member of the Association, please follow this link to our membership page: https://www.pdcnet.org/iaep
The program for the conference can be viewed on the website here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a5xxw0okmvAMkRu3gQAqT6vq7P2uOLu4tEEe_vASsd8/edit

Please note that after October 1, you will receive a copy of the program via e-mail with links to all of the papers that will be presented so that you can read papers in advance of the sessions you are interested in. Presenters will be limited to 10 minute overviews of their papers with the bulk of each session dedicated to discussion. 

We will have Zoom rooms available for each session and participants will be able to move between Zoom rooms. We will also have an “atrium” room available for “coffee breaks” where participants can interact with one another. There will be a BYOB virtual reception on Friday evening with multiple Zoom rooms available for people to circulate and visit with one another.

We are looking forward to seeing you and engaging with this new format for the conference. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to either of us should you have any questions about the conference.

With all best wishes,

Janet Donohoe and Jonathan Maskit

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2020 Annual Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

IAEP’s annual conference will take place online on Friday 9 October and Saturday 10 October. You can find the program at this link.

All of those presenting at the conference must be members of IAEP. If you are on the program and are not yet a member of the Association, please follow this link to our membership page.

Although we are not charging a fee for this year’s conference, we are requiring that presenters and attendees register in advance. We will have info on how to do so up shortly. Only those who have preregistered will be granted access to the conference.

Thank you all for your patience and forbearance as we have worked through the various details of how to put together and run an online conference.

With our best wishes,

Janet Donohoe and Jonathan Maskit
IAEP Co-Directors

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A Statement of Support from the IAEP Executive Committee

Dear IAEP Members and Friends,

As an organization committed to social justice, the International Association for Environmental Philosophy has listened carefully to communities of color and the other voices of Black Lives Matter as they call for racial justice, challenge systemic racism, and protest the militarization of U.S. police forces. We stand in solidarity. Now is the time to relay and amplify the demands of Black Lives Matter for the sake of a just and peaceful world.

As environmental philosophers we recognize that environmental harms are often concentrated in Black communities and communities of color while the benefits for which such harms were produced accrue largely to white communities. We recognize that the histories of racism and settler colonialism are intertwined with the history of environmental destruction.

We understand the environment not as “pristine nature,” but as a place where the exploitation and extraction of settler colonialism and racialized capitalism has destroyed, and continues to destroy, lands and their myriad living bodies, cultures, and peoples. Police brutality against Black bodies in the U.S. is part of the ongoing trauma and degradation produced by the forces of colonialism and racial capitalism that continue to shape our shared society today.

As continental philosophers we recognize that the “easy” universal voice with which much philosophy has been, and continues to be, written has often covered over various forms of exclusion and marginalization, including the exclusion and marginalization of Black and Indigenous people, and people of color generally.

We recognize too that environmental philosophy has often been exclusionary. The field’s early focus on a romantic depopulated notion of wilderness is but one example of the ways in which our field too has been racist.

We support the central demands that Black Lives Matter has articulated, originating from Black voices. We believe there needs to be acknowledgement of and accountability for the devaluation and dehumanization of black lives at the hands of the police. The systemic racism and cultures of corruption exemplified by arbitrary police violence must be confronted and eradicated.

As IAEP’s Executive Committee we continue to be committed to the work of environmental theorizing not as an alternative to the work of engaging with social and political issues, but as part and parcel of them. We are committed to listening and are always open to how we could do better.

The IAEP Executive Committee
Jonathan Maskit
Janet Donohoe
Jonathan Beever
Bryan Bannon
Rachel Jones
Jeremy Bendik-Keymer

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202 Conference Update

Dear IAEP Members and Friends,
We hope you and those dear to you are well in these trying times.
We are writing with an update regarding IAEP’s planned conference this coming October.
As most of you know, we hold our conference in conjunction with SPEP (the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy). SPEP, as the larger organization, has graciously organized meeting space, hotel rates, etc. for us for 20+ years now. As some of you will already know, SPEP, in response to the Covid–19 pandemic, has cancelled their conference, and with it ours, at least as planned for the weekend of 10–11 October in Toronto.
We and our Executive Committee are currently discussing how best to move forward. We are looking at various options (having a “live” conference at some other location, having an online conference, postponing the conference, cancelling the conference, etc.). There are, as you surely are aware, many unknowns about the fall, which makes planning difficult.
For those who submitted proposals for the conference, we ask your forbearance. We will be back in touch shortly with further information and what steps, if any, are required of you, e.g., letting us know whether you wish your abstract to be considered for a conference with potentially a different format, on different dates, or in a different location (or in no location at all!).
Thank you for your understanding.
Best wishes from both of us,
Jonathan Maskit and Janet Donohoe
IAEP Co-Directors

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2020 CFP Extended Deadline

Dear colleagues,

We have extended our call for papers deadline through March 1, 2020. We look forward to your proposals on topics in environmental philosophy. You can find the full CFP at this link: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/iaep-cfp-spep2020ext.pdf

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2020 Annual Meeting CFP

Dear Colleagues,
The call for proposals is now available online for our Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting, taking place October 10-12 in Toronto following SPEP. Submissions are due by February 15, 2020. You can find the full CFP here:

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Elusive Conversations CFP

Dear Colleagues,

Please follow the link below to find the CFP for the Elusive Conversations Symposium at Michigan State University, focusing on the connection between environmental philosophy and environmental governance. The CFP deadline is January 1, 2020, and the symposium itself will take place from April 2-3, 2020. You may find the full CFP at: http://www.philosophy.msu.edu/files/2315/7316/8121/Elusive_Conversations_CFP.pdf

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2019 Annual Meeting Program and Registration

Dear IAEP Members,

The conference program and registration for our 2019 Annual Meeting are both now available online through the following link: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/2019-annual-meeting/

Our meeting this year is November 2 through November 4 in Pittsburgh, PA, following SPEP. Online registration is available until October 26.

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Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy CFP

Our colleagues in the Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy are accepting submissions for their 4th Annual Meeting, October 25-27 at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta. The paper submission deadline is July 15, and you can find full information at http://csep-scpe.ca/ under the “Conferences and Calls” link.

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IAEP at APA-Eastern CFP

Dear colleagues,

Please consider proposing to share your work in environmental philosophy at our IAEP session at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Philadelphia, PA from January 8-11, 2020.

Proposals should be sent to iaepsecretary@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions of abstracts is May 31, 2019. Notification of selection will be made by mid-June. Note that all presenters must be members of IAEP at the time of the conference.

Proposals are chosen through a blind review process and so should not include identifying information. The body of the proposal email should include detailed contact information of the author(s). Attach your blinded proposal to the email as a pdf or MS Word document. In the case of panel proposals, a description of the theme of the panel should be included alongside proposals for each of the papers in that panel. Please note that no audio-visual equipment will be available for presentations at the conference.

The International Association for Environmental Philosophy offers a forum for the philosophical discussion of our relation to natural environments. Embracing a broad understanding of environmental philosophy, IAEP encourages not only discussions of environmental ethics, but also of environmental aesthetics, ontology, theology, philosophy of science, political philosophy, ecofeminism, and the philosophy of technology. IAEP also welcomes a diversity of approaches to these issues, including those inspired by Continental philosophy, the history of ideas, and traditions of American philosophy.

Membership in IAEP is open to everyone. For information about joining IAEP or subscribing to the journal Environmental Philosophy, please visit our website http://www.environmentalphilosophy.org

For more info contact Jonathan Beever at iaepsecretary@gmail.com.

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CFP Deadline Extension

Dear IAEP Members,

The submission deadline for our next annual meeting has been extended to March 1, 2019. Please find the revised CFP here: https://environmentalphilosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/iaep_cfp_2019-extended.pdf

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2019 Annual Meeting CFP

Dear IAEP Members,

The call for papers for our 2019 annual meeting is now available online. The submission deadline is February 15, 2019, and the full CFP can be found at this link:

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ASLE 2019 Call for Papers

Dear IAEP Members,

Our colleagues in the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment have put out a Call for Papers for their 2019 conference (this is a follow-up to the earlier Call for Proposals). The full CFP can be found at https://www.asle.org/wp-content/uploads/ASLE-2019-Call-for-Papers.pdf . The deadline for submission is December 15, 2018.

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2018 Conference Registration

Online registration for the 2018 Annual Meeting is now closed. On-site registration will be available at the conference.

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Updated 2018 Conference Program

Dear IAEP Members,
An updated program for our next annual meeting is now available online:

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ASLE Call for Panels

Dear IAEP Members,

Our colleagues in the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment have posted a Call for Panels for their Thirteenth Biennial Conference (June 2019). The deadline for panel proposals is September 1, 2018, and the full CFP can be found here:

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2018 Conference Program

Dear colleagues,

The full program for IAEP’s 2018 Annual Meeting is now online. The conference will take place from October 20-22, 2018 in State College, PA. The program can be found at:

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Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy CFP

Dear IAEP members,

Our colleagues in the Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy/ Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale have put out a CFP for their 3rd annual meeting, October 26-28, 2018, at the University of Calgary. Submission deadline is July 15, 2018, and you can find the full CFP at:

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IAEP at APA Eastern 2019 CFP

Dear colleagues,

The call for papers for the IAEP session at the Eastern APA 2019 is now available online. Deadline for submission is June 15, 2018, and you can find the full CFP here:

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Manchester Workshop CFP

Dear Colleagues,

The Manchester Centre for Political Theory has put out a call for papers for their upcoming workshop “Preventing ‘The Age of Loneliness’: Conservation, Ecological Restoration, Adaptation and the Nonhuman.” The workshop is September 10-12, 2018, at the University of Manchester. The submission deadline is June 3, 2018, and you can find the full CFP here:

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‘New Frontiers in Environmental Philosophy’ at UiT

Dear IAEP members,

Our colleagues in the Environmental Philosophy Research Group at the Arctic University of Norway have announced their first annual conference, “New Frontiers in Environmental Philosophy.” You can find full information here:

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Welcome to the official website for the International Association for Environmental Philosophy. By following the navigation bar above, you can find information about the association, our annual meeting, the Environmental Philosophy journal, and meetings and information on our affiliates.

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